Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray on Thursday hinted that his party may contest the upcoming local bodies elections in the state on its own, stating that his cadres were keen on it and that he would decide on it at the appropriate time. Hitting out at Union Home Minister Amit Shah for criticising Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) over its loss in the last year’s assembly elections, he said nobody should try to mess with his party, and dared the BJP to hold at least one election using ballot papers.
Addressing party workers on the 99th birth anniversary of Shiv Sena founder Bal Thackeray, the former chief minister said he has been talking to the party rank and file in all municipal corporations and they want the party to contest in the upcoming local bodies polls independently.
“Are you ready to show the traitors their place? Elections are yet to be announced. Let me see your preparations and I will take a decision as per your wish. I will decide at appropriate time,” he said. “I conducted this event to see how many people are with me. As long as you are Shiv Sainiks, I will be your party president. We will teach a lesson to traitors. When someone will come and tell me that I have abandoned the ideology of Balasaheb Thackeray, I will step aside,” he added.
Shiv Sena (UBT) is a constituent of the opposition MVA along with the Congress and the NCP (SP).
Thackeray’s statement come days after party leader Sanjay Raut announced that his party would contest the local bodies polls solo, a move raising question mark over the opposition bloc’s unity.
The local bodies polls are slated to be held early this year.
Speaking about Amit Shah’s recent remarks on how the Mahayuti alliance’s victory in the state assembly elections showed the Shiv Sena (UBT) and the NCP (SP) their place, Thackeray said, “Don’t try to mess with us.”
He said if the BJP betrays Maharashtra under the guise of Hindutva, his party will not tolerate it. Terming the BJP’s Hindutva as “fake”, he said the Sena (UBT) professed progressive and nationalistic Hindutva. He said that although the Ram temple ‘pran pratishtha’ ceremony was held a year ago, its construction is yet to complete.