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PM Modi turns emotional as he speaks in Central Hall for the last time | Top quotes


PM Modi in Central Hall
Image Source : DD PM Modi in Central Hall

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday addressed the event organised in the Central Hall ahead of shifting of the Parliament to the new building. He also extended Ganesh Chaturthi greetings to the Parliamentarians and countrymen. While speaking at the Central Hall for the last time before moving to the new building, PM Modi almost turned emotional. He recollected all the major decisions that any government had taken in the past 71 years.

The new Parliament building has been designated as the Parliament House of India, a Lok Sabha Secretariat notification said. PM Modi led parliamentarians across party lines in bidding farewell to the old Parliament building on Monday. Parliament proceedings will shift to the new building from Tuesday. PM Modi said, “Today, we are going to have the beginning of a new future in the new Parliament building. Today, we are going to the new building with the determination to fulfil the resolve of a developed India.” 


  • Today, we are going to do ‘Shree Ganesha’ of new future as we move to the new Parliament building
  • Around 41 heads of state addressed our MPs in this Central Hall since 1952
  • Different Presidents of India addressed this Central Hall 86 times
  • Our Parliament has formulated almost 4,000 laws
  • Triple Talaq and laws related to transgenders were passed by this Parliament only
  • The decision to abrogate Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir was taken in this Parliament
  • Bharat is moving towards the goal of becoming the world’s third-largest economy
  • Today we are moving to the new Parliament building with a repetition of our resolve of developed India and determination towards achieving it
  • India has reawakened with a new consciousness. 
  • India is filled with a new energy. This consciousness and energy can change the dreams of crores of people into resolutions and make those resolutions into a reality

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