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Delhi: Woman steals jewellery, cash due to ‘lack of love’ from mother, arrested


Delhi, Delhi crime, crime news, crime stories, Arrested, Delhi Police
Image Source : PIXABAY Representative Image

A 31-year-old woman was arrested for allegedly stealing jewellery and cash from her mother’s house in the national capital due to financial distress and “lack of love” from her mother, an official said on Sunday (February 4). Deputy Commissioner of Police (Dwarka) Ankit Singh said the police got a complaint on January 30 regarding a theft in a house in Uttam Nagar. According to the complaint to the police, a burqa-clad woman entered her house at 2 pm, stole gold and silver jewellery as well as cash worth Rs 25,000 and left at 2.30 pm.

The officer said an FIR under section 380 (theft in any building, tent or vessel) of the Indian Penal Code was registered and a probe launched by multiple teams. The team from the anti-burglary cell checked the CCTV footage and analysed the crime scene.

No forced entry into house: Police

The DCP said that no trace of force entry into the house was seen, where neither the door of the almirah was broken.

He said a woman wearing a black burqa was seen entering the house.

The police arrested the complainant’s daughter and also recovered the stolen jewellery, the official said.

“She confessed to her crime and told police that her mother loves her younger daughter more than her and that she had some financial burden and hence, she hatched the conspiracy,” the officer said.

How did accused commit the crime?

He said the accused stole her sister’s jewellery.

“In January, the accused asked her mother to help her to relocate her house from the Mohan Garden area to Uttam Nagar. On January 30, she cleverly stole the keys to her mother’s house when she was packing her goods. She went to a public toilet, where she changed her clothes, and went to her mother’s house. Later, she also expressed grief about the theft,” the DCP said.

The accused had sold the ornaments to a local jewellery shop, police said.

(With PTI inputs)

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