International Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh started the Indian leg of his Dil-Luminati tour in Delhi on Saturday. The singer-actor took the stage by storm on his first concert in India. Several videos and photos from the Delhi concert are going viral on social media. One of which is a lemon man taking over the attention while Diljit was performing on his 2023 song Lemonade. For the unversed, Before Delhi, Diljit’s Dil-Luminati tour was held in North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.
Lemon Man overshadows Diljit Dosanjh
Diljit Dosanjh’s India tour kicked off on Saturday night in New Delhi, and it appears that concertgoers had a terrific time! The musician, who is on a multi-city tour of India this winter, had a spectacular performance featuring his biggest hits, which got the audience moving. His playlist includes songs such as “Do You Know” and “Naina.” While fans couldn’t get enough of the performances, many were surprised to see a ‘lemon’ onstage. Several videos have surfaced online showing a man dressed as a lemon joining Diljit’s backing dancers for what appears to be the Lemonade song.
Watch the video here:
Diljit will again perform in Delhi
Ever since the singer announced his Di Luminati tour, his fans have been very excited about the concerts. People’s excitement was evident the day the tickets for the Delhi concert started selling live. All the tickets for this tour were sold out within a few minutes. However, due to the increasing demand of the people, the tour was organised for two days instead of one day in Delhi. The Punjabi singer will also perform on Sunday for his fans.
Deets about Diljit’s latest professional work
After Delhi, the tour will make its way to Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Pune, Kolkata, Bangalore, Indore, Chandigarh, and Guwahati. Meanwhile, on the acting front, Diljit recently announced his casting in Border 2, which also features Sunny Deol and Varun Dhawan. The sequel will reportedly be set against the backdrop of the Battle of Longewala, with filming expected to begin in November. The filming is expected to begin in November.