Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Sunday launched a crowdfunding campaign for her upcoming election, emphasising the unique and transparent funding strategy of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). She explained that throughout her political journey, the support of ordinary citizens, rather than big businessmen, has been the cornerstone of her campaigns. Atishi recalled the early days of AAP, where small donations from people helped sustain the party’s honest approach to politics, setting it apart from other parties that relied on corporate donations and often catered to business interests.
Addressing a press conference today, Delhi Chief Minister Atishi reflected on the early days of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), recalling, “When we first contested elections in 2013, we went door-to-door, seeking small donations from the people. After our street corner meetings, we would spread out a cloth, and people would contribute whatever they could—whether it was 10, 50, or 100 rupees. This grassroots approach has enabled us to run an honest campaign, free from any corporate or business ties.”
Now, in a bid to continue her electoral work and maintain the party’s principle of public-backed funding, Atishi has initiated a crowdfunding campaign for her upcoming election. She has set a target of 40 lakh rupees, a sum required to fund her campaign. In her address, she made an appeal to Delhiites and citizens across the country to contribute to her cause.
Atishi further stated, “It is easy to fight an election using wrong methods. Collecting 40 lakh rupees for the position of Chief Minister through improper means is easy. Delhi has a budget of 77,000 crores. If we wanted to raise money through unethical means, we could collect 40 lakh rupees in just a day.”
“I humbly request the people of Delhi and our supporters nationwide to help me raise the necessary funds. You can donate through the link at,” Atishi said.