The Delhi High Court on Friday refused to extend the interim bail granted to former MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar on medical grounds in the 2017 Unnao rape case. Sengar, who is serving a life sentence, is directed to surrender on January 20. Delhi High Court judge Justice Dharmesh Sharma recused himself from hearing Sengar’s plea seeking suspension of sentence in the Unnao minor rape case.
Sengar, who is serving a life sentence, is directed to surrender on January 20. Delhi High Court judge Justice Dharmesh Sharma recused himself from hearing Sengar’s plea seeking suspension of sentence in the Unnao minor rape case.
Next hearing on Jan 27
A bench of Justices Prathiba M Singh and Dharmesh Sharma directed for the matter to be placed before another bench on January 27. In 2019, Justice Dharmesh Sharma, being the trial court judge at Tis Hazari, convicted and sentenced Sengar in the case.
Kuldeep Sengar’s counsel sought extension on the ground that he was scheduled to undergo an eye surgery in AIIMS next week. To this, the court responded AIIMS will give you another date.
Sengar was granted medical bail in December 2024, by the division bench of the High Court. The bench said no further extension should be granted and asked him to surrender before the jail superintendent on January 20.
Sengar’s plea for extension of interim bail formed part of his appeal against the December 2019 trial court’s verdict in the rape case is pending before the high court.
His plea seeking extension of interim bail in the connected case related to the custodial death of the survivor’s father is also pending before another bench.
Unnao rape case
Expelled BJP leader Kuldeep Sengar was sentenced to life imprisonment on December 20, 2019 after being convicted for raping a minor. However, Sengar challenged the decision of trail court in the High Court, hearing is pending as of now.
He further sought quashing of the December 16, 2019 trial court judgment convicting him in the rape case and also sought setting aside of the sentencing order in the rape case.