A shocking news of the kidnapping of an internet sensation has surfaced on social media. As per a report, ‘Mukesh Ki Comedy’ actress Janvi Modi was kidnapped on Tuesday evening from a town in Rajasthan’s Bikaner district. As per a report by India TV’s Manish Bhattacharya, the miscreants kidnapped the actress in front of her mother. The incident took place at 7 pm on Tuesday evening in the market of Sri Dungargarh in Bikaner district of Rajasthan. Janvi has been a part of short movies made in the Marwari language. Her content is mostly seen on a YouTube channel wherein she often plays the role of a daughter-in-law.
Janvi’s mother Pushpa Modi reported to the nearest police station and stated that her daughter was kidnapped by two masked men at 7 pm. She also mentioned that her daughter was kidnapped when they were returning from the market.
About 12 hours after the incident, the local police traced a suspicious vehicle which was reported in the report had passed through a toll located on Jaipur Road. As per a media report, Janvi’s phone has also been found at home from which WhatsApp and other apps have been uninstalled.
In the report filed by Janvi’s mother, she has expressed the suspicion of kidnapping against Tarun Sikligar, a resident of Bikaner. However, the police is busy investigating this case from all angles. Janvi Modi is a social media influencer and has nearly 24,000 followers on Instagram.
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