The Uttar Pradesh Police has released an annual report on the initiatives undertaken to curb crime in the state. The report has been prepared under the direction of DGP Prashant Kumar. The reports state that since the formation of CM Yogi’s government in 2017, UP Police has killed 217 criminals in various encounters till December 28.
The report further stated that 7,799 criminals were injured in encounters during the same period. Besides, the total number of arrested criminals, with a bounty on their heads, stood at 19,955. Under the Gangster Act, the UP Police registered 25,238 cases and nabbed a total of 78,977 people. Meanwhile, the police also arrested 924 underthe National Security Act (NSA).
The report further states that the property of criminals worth Rs 14,090 crore was confiscated under the Gangster Act. In the last four years, illegal property worth more than Rs 4,067 crore of 68 mafias and their gang members of the state was either bulldozed or confiscated.
Taking action against the unlawful loudspeakers at religious places, 1,09,437 units were removed and a volume of 1,65,515 loudspeakers was reduced.