After multiple flops in the year 2024, Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar is ready to start the new year with a bang. His upcoming film ‘Sky Force’ is going to be released in the month of January. Recently the makers have released the trailer of the film. Do you know that this film is inspired by a real-life incident? Yes! Air Force film is based on India’s retaliatory attack on Pakistan during the 1956 air war. This was India’s first air strike and is said to be the deadliest airstrike ever done by the nation.
The film is based on a real incident
This film is based on the retaliatory attack by India on Pakistan’s Sargodha airbase. In 1965, there was a direct clash between the Indian and Pakistani Air Forces. Pakistan attacked Pathankot and Halwara airbases, after which the Indian Air Force attacked Sargodha. At that time Sargodha was considered one of the strongest airbases in Asia. After this, Indian pilots attacked the next day and caused heavy damage to Pakistan’s most secure airbase. On September 1, 1965, Marshal of the Indian Air Force (MIAF) Arjan Singh, then the Chief of the Air Staff, ordered air strikes against the Pakistan Forces. On this day, the IAF accounted for 10 tanks, 02 Anti-Aircraft guns and 30-40 vehicles of the Pakistani Army. This event is also important because the Indian Air Force awarded the Mahavir Chakra posthumously to a pilot who was martyred in this war.
Veer Paharia is going to make his debut
The trailer of this film is quite spectacular and powerful dialogues are also heard in it. Along with Akshay Kumar, Veer Pahariya is going to make his debut with this film. In the film, he plays the important role of Squadron Leader Ajmada Boppayya Devayya, who was awarded the Maha Vir Chakra for his sacrifice on the battlefield and for saving the lives of his teammates. The film also stars Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan in lead roles. The film is directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Anil Kapoor, and produced by Maddock Films’ Dinesh Vijan.
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