The power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh welcomed their daughter into their family on September 8. On the occasion of Diwali festival, the couple surprised everyone with the beautiful name of their daughter- Dua Padukone Singh.
This Diwali is special for the two lovebirds as rejoice both, personally and professionally. The couple is celebrating the festival for the first time with their newborn daughter as well as the day marks the release of ‘Singham Again’ where both are playing headlining the multi-starrer.
On the work front Ranveer Singh’s film ‘Singham Again’ was released in theatres on November 1. Ranveer Singh reprises his role as Simba in the movie, where he helps Singham fight against villain Arjun Kapoor.
Deepika Padukone has also made a small cameo in ‘Singham Again’ as Shakti Shetty. Her dialogue in the promo ‘Main Singham nahi, Lady Singham Hai’ has already caught everyone’s attention. A few days back Ranveer Singh said in a press conference that his baby has already made a debut as Deepika shot for ‘Singham Again’ while she was pregnant.
Prior to this, Deepika was seen in ‘Kalki’ and ‘Fighter’. While ‘Kalki’ did decent business, ‘Fighter’ failed to meet makers expectations. While nothing is official as per various reports Deepika will be next in the film ‘The Intern’.