Anupama fame Rupali Ganguly is in the news these days about her stepdaughter. Isha Verma had made many allegations against Rupali, after which the TV actor filed a defamation case of Rs 50 crores against her. However, after this Isha deleted that video and also made her account private.
Payal Rohatgi jumps in between
Now in this matter, actress Payal Rohatgi has taken a dig at Rupali. Payal has taken a dig at Rupali for dating Ashwin who was married at that time and is Isha’s father. Posting in Instagram Stories, Payal wrote, I don’t know whatever your truth is. But you met Ashwini when he was married and you guys were dating each other. This is called karma which you did to his first wife.
Why did you ask for so much money, Payal
Payal further wrote, ‘Well whatever it is, you should settle this matter in the court now. Secondly, why did you ask for so much money for the defamation case? Don’t you have money? Do the people working in serials understand what 50 crores is?’
She said that instead of asking for so much money from Isha, Rupali should show proof and settle this matter in court. Payal also questioned whether Rupali was going through a financial crisis.
Isha had called Rupali a controlling woman
Let us tell you that first of all Isha had accused Rupali and called her a cruel-hearted and controlling woman. Isha accused her stepmother of being very controlling and separated her from her father. Let us tell you that Isha is the daughter of Ashwin’s (Rupali’s husband) second wife Sapna Verma. Isha is 26 years old and she posts many of her hot and glamorous photos on Instagram.
In this entire matter, Rupali said that she has taken this step to protect her reputation. Till now she was silent but when her son was dragged into this matter, she felt it necessary to speak.